Watch the following two very short videos of mothers fearful about Obama's speech to the school kids (which he is giving right now). They tell the story of right wing insanity far better than anything I could say. Of course, none of the nutcases who are keeping their kids home from school today will be listening to his speech--they actually DO fear it might turn them into Nazis...or worse. My god, hasn't this gone far enough? The control the right wing propagandists have over the stupids in their ranks is obscene.
As one commenter puts it: The woman (in the 2nd video) is obviously play-acting, but can you really spot the difference between her and those dumdums at the town halls? Can you distinguish her rhetoric from that of the so-called "thinkers" of the con-servative movement? American con-servatism is a brain defect ..., and the Republicon Party is a den of vipers. 'Nuff said.
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