I am loathe to give this insane beast Rush Limbaugh any room at all on my blog, but he has carried his racist propaganda WAY too far...and he influences far too many ignorant people, with very dangerous potential. It's important for intelligent people to be warned about him. Here is his latest attempt to incite a rightwing racist nut to do injury to the president. Limbaugh is an affront to the human race (to which I doubt he even belongs). He should be deported to the dark planet that spawned him and the other rightwing hate-baiters like Beck, Coulter, O'Reilly, Hannity, and Malkin. Read about Limbaugh's latest rant, if you can stand the disgust it will bring you: http://rawstory.com/08/news/2009/09/17/limbaugh-we-need-segregated-buses/
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