If you are tempted to say, "Oh no, not again -- another UFO email! When will she ever stop?" then please don't read on with my explanation below, but I do urge you to view two youtube links of major importance, which will explain far better than I can why this subject connects with climate change and the pandemic and a lot of the other challenges being experienced by us on Earth at the present time. Here are the links -- very informative and fascinating...and Important for us to have the knowledge they are imparting. I will just say here that I did meet Carol Rosin at a conference -- her story is included in the first link. She was a very convincing speaker who had held an important position for years as assistant to Wernher von Braun. Her story is intriguing, about information given to her by von Braun, along with a warning prediction -- some of which we can see is coming true in the present time. In the 2nd link, another speaker (of great eloquence and credibility) made a set of predictions several years ago that are manifesting before our eyes right now. Listen to what is being presented, use your own critical reasoning, and decide for yourself if there is worth in what you have seen and heard in these films.
Here are my comments/explanations, if you are interested in reading further:
From time to time in my years of emails and on my blog, I have shared links on the subject of UFOs, well knowing how controversial this is in our world where disinformation of all kinds is being strewn across the truth. For many years the disinformation generated by global governments was meant to mislead the public and cause so much confusion that most people felt uncomfortable in even discussing whether UFOs are "real" or not. That kind of mental training aimed at the public took hold and was furthered by the ridicule & humiliation meted out (by govt. sources and echoed by major media) to anyone who claimed to have seen a UFO or to have interacted with one. The nervous giggles of reporters and the rolling of eyes when the subject was mentioned made it clear that you had better not believe in this stuff -- and if you mention it to friends or family, you will be labeled as a "crackpot' or worse. As a result of this Pavlovian conditioning of our minds, when people of good faith who have held high positions in government and the military tried to tell us of their own experiences and knowledge, we often tended to shy away from them and/or ridicule them -- unless we had strong curiosity and a desire to explore new subjects, no matter how frightening or "weird" they might seem.
Fortunately, the days where UFOs were being constantly denied by authorities in charge and by major media are now over. Too many sightings by ordinary folks have changed the dynamic to one of probable belief, helped along with videos people are now able to make with their phones as proof of what their "lying eyes" are seeing. You tube is full of these kinds of videos. The reality of advanced-technology visitors to our planet can no longer be denied or obfuscated -- and the federal government has been forced to admit the existence of UFOs (now called UAP -- Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). You can almost feel the hurried scrambling going on in the back rooms of the "protectors" of UFO information, as they feel intense pressure to create new narratives to tell us. Just google the subject and you will come up with links like those listed at the end of this email, most of which are still trying to keep the lid on the boiling-over pot. Their worst fears are being realized -- that the hoi polloi (a fancy name for us common folks) are now having their consciousness expanded to include the possibility of other beings in our universe -- who are visiting us and are far more advanced in seemingly every way. This knowledge has the potential to undermine the control that our planetary powers-that-be now have over us, and to topple their greed-driven prestigious positions of power -- in government, the military, corporations and religions.
My husband Holland and I were not scientists or credentialed "authorities" in any way, but we were both curious types. I had seen UFOs myself twice when I lived on the east coast, so my interest had been stirred back in the 1970s and early '80s at at the times of those witnessings. Holland also had questions about strange anomalies and appearances in our world. So, in 1992, we began a serious exploration for ourselves. This led us to attend numerous conferences that were then being held in our area with speakers of prominence in the UFO field. We were intrigued by their stories as they related their own first-hand experiences and warned about the coverups that were going on in our government and in the Pentagon--and in other governments around the world. Some of these speakers were scientists like the noted physicist Stanton Friedman, some were military or former military, like Robert O. Dean, who had filled an important job at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe), and others were like Budd Hopkins, a well-known artist of renown in the art world. All of these men had curiosity, and their own knowledge and experience with UFO incidents or with people who had experienced them. They were sincere, credible and articulate as they told their stories with a determination to let the world know what is being hidden from us common folk taxpayers who fund government black operations without knowing it.
I recently sent an email to many of you, suggesting a documentary for viewing on Amazon Prime video -- Close Encounters of the 5th Kind. I know there are parts in that documentary that viewers (not familiar with the wide scope of UFO info that has been disseminated over the years) might think is too far to stretch credibility, especially in the Dr. Greer/contact parts. The CE-5 contact information may sound so far out to your mind that it immediately arouses your suspicions as to the overall validity of the entire body of information. That is unfortunate, because the documentary has much validity and is backed up by disclosures from credible military and top government sources. Highly principled constitutional lawyer Daniel Sheehan's involvement in trying to alert the public is admirable -- and if you will view the "Unacknowledged" documentary (also available on youtube) in which many of the disclosure sources speak of their experiences, their stories tie the threads of authenticity in the warning being given. That Donald Trump, while President, actually formed a "Space Force" military branch should give us concern that a false flag operation might be conjured up to justify a trumped-up story of threats from aliens. As we've seen, maintaining power and continuing greed are the goals of the present-day Republican party -- and also of the Pentagon. Many black operations are being kept from "we, the people."
In the first recommended documentary above (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecj87JoUyY4), a woman named Carol Rosin tells her story of what she learned when working as Assistant to Wernher von Braun. She said he warned her of what the shadow government was planning in order to keep control in the world. Holland and I met Carol Rosin when she spoke at one of the conferences we attended. She was sincere in telling her story--a warning to all of us (strongly delivered to her by von Braun), which seemed very credible to us. Eisenhower tried to warn us about the plan of the military-industrial complex in his last speech when leaving the Presidency. Carol Rosin has spent many years of her life trying to give an important warning to our leaders ostensibly in charge, but it seems that our Presidents are not privy to much of the information, and are often misled by disinformation from "advisors," the real controllers behind the scenes. Watch the documentary and see what you think.
After attending many UFO and conspiracy conferences over the years, Holland and I became convinced that there are factions in our government and other world governments that are involved in black operations, in order to maintain dominance in our nation and in the world. And they will stop at nothing to keep that control, even to the point of creating false flag wars, as we have seen in our not-too-distant past in America (Gulf of Tonkin, Iraq attack/war based on lies, and god knows how many others). Bob Dean was one of the people we spoke with at conferences where he talked about what he had learned while serving in the important military position he held in SHAPE in Europe. A humble and earnest man, he tried for years to tell what he called "The Greatest Story Never Told." He passed away in 2018, but there are many youtube videos of his presentations all over the world. He was an articulate speaker, genuine to the core and appalled that the government was keeping truth from the people. The second link above
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ergzkwCA1cQ&list=PLXdne_1i3Yw0IM1HumbGEexVZbX8k1Tu5&index=1) is for Bob Dean's presentation (probably his most comprehensive one ever) that he gave in England at the University of Leeds. I guarantee that you will find him an interesting (actually, fascinating) speaker. His predictions at the end of his talk are certainly proving to be true in our present time. I had a conversation with him at a conference in San Jose, in which I thanked him for all the information he has divulged to us from his military experience and deep research into this phenomenal subject. He was very gracious throughout our conversation and, at the end, he thanked me...and then actually kissed my hand. A true gentleman of the old school. (~.~) I 'm sure he is in a finer dimension now and having a wonderful life there. I do think you will find his observations to be astute and enlightening. He was the best speaker on this subject that we ever heard in all the years we attended these conferences. I think you will agree with what one reviewer said about him after viewing the video: Oh, for our world leaders to have even a tenth of the integrity, eloquence and intelligence of this gentleman. I add AMEN to that.
Tonight on 60 Minutes there was a segment called One Small Step, which referred to a program instituted by a man who believes we can all get together if we just get to know each other in personal ways. He has initiated an endeavor in which he makes it possible for people at opposite ends of the political spectrum to talk with each other on a one-to-one basis, communicating their own stories -- in order to feel more connected and understanding of a different political viewpoint. It is actually working to bridge the political divide in America. It started in a small way and is growing bigger every day as more people become aware of it and participate in it. You can see the 60 Minutes segment at: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/one-small-step-storycorps-60-minutes-2021-01-09/.
I think a similar idea applies to informing the public about the possibility that UFO sightings will be used to justify an increase in militaristic paranoia, with a false flag fear-based "threat" operation being sold to us so the Space Force can be used. The above two youtube links are one small step in educating ourselves, so we can't be fooled again when authorities/leaders, out to line their own pockets and maintain their control, tell us we are being threatened by forces beyond our planet. (Just as was outlined for us by Ronald Reagan in a speech given at the United Nations when he was President. He asked the UN members to imagine how quickly humanity would come together if it was confronted by an extraterrestrial civilization. He said: "What if all of us in the world were threatened by an outer power, from outer space, from another planet? We would all of a sudden find out that we didn't have any differences at all." In another speech, he said: "Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond."😮🙁)
Another President, Dwight Eisenhower, warned us against the "military/industrial complex" that he could see was taking over in our country. That insidious takeover, fueled by an empty promise that "it will all trickle down," came to complete fruition when Ronald Reagan became President and created many ways for the rich and elite to acquire unimaginable wealth and power at the expense of the poor and middle class. You can look at our world today and see where that trickle-down economic BS has taken us.
Some of the prescient predictions made by Bob Dean in his UK presentation have already come true. Little did any of us know back then that climate change was going to speed up at an incredible pace -- and that we would have a worldwide pandemic to deal with for years on end. What if the other predictions these documentaries are warning about are also in the planning stage, being readied to be presented to us? We can see that UFOs exist, they are being seen in our skies regularly, and the government has admitted it and released documents to prove they've been in the know about this all along. What aren't they telling us? It just might be that all the whistleblowers from the government and military were telling the truth all those years when they were being ridiculed and threatened (many had their lives threatened, which they reveal in their testimony). Doesn't it make sense to at least investigate for ourselves -- and listen to what the whistleblowers are so determined to tell us that they continue, in spite of threats to their lives?
I tend to align myself with Bob Dean's conclusions--that there is a spiritual element to all of this. Perhaps we are being given a chance to expand our minds and our presence beyond Earth and its boundaries. Maybe we as a species are being slated for an upgrade in consciousness, and are being asked to consider what Hamlet said to Horatio: "There are many things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Or, as we learn of multi-dimensional reality from quantum physicists (and the popping in and out of UFOs in the skies above us), are we being given a new understanding of what Christ said to his disciples, "In my father's house are many mansions."?
With all the challenges that have made their way into our world in the past couple years, our awareness as a world's people is being more tightly focused. We are united as never before in living through a pandemic and a world heating up in temperature at an ever-increasing rate, endangering many species, including our own. Our attention is being drawn from the mundane everyday thoughts that used to occupy our minds in separation from each other. Despite ourselves, we are being drawn together to face problems that concern us all in extreme ways. I'd like to think that if we can let go of hatred and fear -- and start to experience the all-embracing love of a higher kind of spirituality, we will be brought to a place of unity, rather than division. And maybe that is what this is all about. I once again call your attention to a beautiful video that inspired a Tibetan woman to create and put on youtube as a tribute to my husband's book Star Wisdom, written under his pen name of Gene Andrade. Maybe it is time for us to apply the principles of spirituality brought to Billy Meier by the inter-dimensional visitors who told him they wanted to bring a higher understanding to people of Earth. See those principles in the musical video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty1Np4a6jYo
If you find anything in this email to be inspiring or worth passing along, please consider sending those parts to others, whether in emails or on Facebook. It seems to me that the more people who can see these documentaries, the better it will be for the world we are leaving to our children and grandchildren. We are in difficult times. Open minds and well-considered measures are needed -- ones that we might not have considered before. I feel it is imperative to alert as many people as possible to the warnings being given by whistleblowers, because this world is no longer the stable, solid place we once assumed it to be. As we've learned, it can be turned into a bizarre, upside-down, unrecognizable and unsafe place in the blink of an eye. It will be a difficult task for our children and grandchildren to make it right again. God bless them, they will need all the information they can get to help them in that endeavor.
Take a look at the kinds of UFO stuff that is being proliferated online, from deniers to disinformation to purported "scientific" assessment. And consider their source -- and motives.
Aug 5, 2021 — For better or worse, sightings of unidentifiable things in the sky have become inextricably linked to spacecraft from outer space.
Jun 25, 2021 — SCOPE AND ASSUMPTIONS. Scope. This preliminary report is provided by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).
Dec 16, 2021 — UFOs will get a new government office with needed congressional oversight, thanks to the defense bill.
Aug 5, 2021 — Again, the Pentagon report states effectively the same point: "The limited amount of high-quality reporting on unidentified aerial phenomena ( ...
Apr 1, 2011 — According to Kean, "roughly 90 to 95 percent of UFO sightings can be explained" as "weather balloons, flares, sky lanterns, planes flying in ...
Jul 29, 2021 — Have space aliens been visiting Earth? That's the wrong question to be asking about UFOs—or, as they're now officially called, unidentified ...
Nov 24, 2021 — The Department of Defense announced its plans to streamline the collection and analysis of UFO reports across the government Tuesday, ...
Nov 17, 2021 — A bipartisan proposal to create a more expansive military and intelligence program to study UFOs is urgently needed to determine whether ...
Dec 7, 2021 — The expansive measures come two weeks after the Pentagon announced a new group aimed at analyzing UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena) ...
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