Friday, June 15, 2018

Very important warning article: We can't keep looking the other way

Many psychiatrists and psychologists are deeply concerned with what they observe in Trump's unstable speech and behavior. Following is an interview with a prominent psychiatrist that ought to raise the hairs on the back of anyone's neck. The alarm is being loudly sounded, but Trump's supporters refuse to hear it, and we are all being held hostage by a man with great power and increasing mental deterioration. What can possibly go wrong?  Read the following and find out:


What role does Donald Trump's mental health play in how he governs? Is the stress of Robert Mueller's investigation and the other scandals swirling around Trump's White House accelerating his mental decline? Why are so many of Trump's supporters and other members of the general public still in denial about the global and national crisis that is Trump's assault on American democracy? Can anything be done about a president who appears unstable yet still maintains the unilateral power to order the use of nuclear weapons?

In an effort to answer these questions, I recently spoke with Dr. John Gartner, a former professor of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School. 


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