Thursday, May 25, 2017

Poor Catholic Sean Spicer. Left out from meeting the Pope. He is fuming about it.

It's so typical of Trump to punish "underlings" in this way. He knew Sean Spicer wanted, most of all, on this foreign visit, to meet the Pope. So what did the Donald do? He denied Sean his most desired wish and instead took his Jewish daughter and son-in-law to the meeting.  He could have included Spicer, a most loyal (let's face it: "obsequious") servant who has abased himself over and over for the Donald, constantly lying for his boss to cover up the mistakes and mishandlings so far in this debacle of a Presidency.  

Having slaved for Trump for over 100 days now, Sean should have known this would be his "reward"--to be sent home early instead of being allowed to meet the Pope.  Hmmm...I wonder what kind of stories Sean can tell about the behind-the-scenes goings-on in the White House?  And will we soon be hearing more of those stories in our news?

In contrast, President Obama listened to several of his Catholic staffers who had expressed a wish to meet the Pope, and brought them along with him on his visit with Pope Francis.  


It's very clear that relations have soured between the president and his chief spokesman and that sources traveling with the White House entourage say that Spicer is livid in the wake of the snub.

"Is it true that he's upset about not meeting the Pope? Is there any significance to this?" asked host Chris Cuomo.

"Our reporter traveling with them says that Spicer was fuming," said Chalian. "How big of a deal? I'm sure that it's a big deal for Sean Spicer."

He went on to say that this is emblematic of the kind of cutthroat, "who's up, who's down" atmosphere that Trump has fostered in the White House.

On Wednesday, Pres. Trump took his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner — both of whom are observant Jews — to meet the Pope. Other non-Catholic staffers gave up their spots so that Catholic staffers could get what might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet a sitting Pope.

Spicer, a devout Catholic, was most looking forward to meeting Pope Francis of all the events scheduled on the trip, confided one staffer.

"That's all he wanted" from the trip, the aide told CNN.
