A nice adjunct for physical healing...soothing for the mind and body. We can all use a little soothing these days. Plus, the woman has a beautiful voice, so pleasant to listen to...
Today we are going to take you to ancient Japan on a guided meditation calledThe Golden Waterfall. This relaxing practice has been used for centuries to channel in the light and refresh the energy passageways, clearing any blocks that are not serving your health and happiness. During this meditation, many people feel the warmth of an actual golden light, that elevates them to their purest state. We hope you experience the soul nourishment of the golden waterfall too! This is the second video of our free three-part energy healing series. If you missed the first video from Tuesday, you can access that one as well using the link below! Click here to watch today's video teaching 
If you enjoy the teaching above, we created a 61-video master class called The Sacred Science Of Energy Healing and it is designed to help you bring these practices into your life quickly and easily. It's on sale for 50% OFF the regular price until next Friday! Click here for details This groundbreaking program features 18 gifted healers who will help you with: Pain, Fatigue, Stress & Anxiety, Insomnia, Weight Loss, Headaches, Mental Clarity, Fear, Guilt, Trust Issues, Trauma, Shame, Protection and Letting Go. They blew us away while we were filming them and it's an honor to be bringing their powerful wisdom forward to you. Stay curious, Nick Polizzi Founder, The Sacred Science  Nick Polizzi has spent his career producing and directing feature length documentaries about holistic alternatives to conventional medicine. Nick's current role as founder of "The Sacred Science" stems from a calling to honor, preserve, and protect the ancient knowledge and rituals of the indigenous peoples of the world.
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