FINALLY! Our 4th Estate journalists are stepping up to the plate and telling it exactly as it is! The L.A. Times Editorial Board is doing a series on Trump -- it is a scathing analysis of this extremely dangerous president and is very important for all to read. This man is a disaster to our country and needs to be removed from office ASAP before he dismantles our government, impoverishes us all and blunders the U.S. into a war. The articles say truthfully that he is a gullible tool for liars as well as being the liar-in-chief himself. AMEN to That!!! Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner are leading this idiot narcissist psychopath--and us--to the edge of a cliff where the ground is beginning to crumble beneath us. HELP!!!!!!
Here are the first 2 articles in the series, with more to come tomorrow and Wednesday:
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