Sunday, August 23, 2015

FOR SHAME! OxyContin now approved for use on children!

Where we are now in this country:  Greed overrules common sense every time!

FDA and Big Pharma Lock Arms and Approve OxyContin for Use in Children in Order to Extend Patent and Make Money!

Purdue Pharma LP, announced in 2012 the plan to test OxyContin on children in order to extend their patent

EXCERPT:  For Purdue Pharma LP, this one medication generated more that $2.8 billion dollars in sales with numerous companies seeking after the ability to produce their own generic versions and get their hands in the pot.  Yet, Purdue Pharma LP, figured out a way to protect their own cash cow.  Their method was to utilize the FDA's pediatric testing incentive for drugs, which gave the company a patent extension for conducting clinical trials on children. (1)

Due to greed and corruption at the highest tier, 150 children between the ages of 6 and 16 were enrolled into a multi-site trial.  What makes this worse is not just that children were used in order to increase profitability for this drug company and others tied into the trickle down/up money effect, but that the FDA has taken these studies and has now approved OxyContin for children's use.

The FDA used Purdue Pharma LP's research in order to approve OxyContin for children

The FDA completed a press release hoping to convince the public that they are only watching out for the nation's children.  They report that the drug is approved in order to help children who experience cancer pain, extensive trauma or surgeries that require long-term pain management.  The FDA reports that due to the studies completed by Purdue Pharma LP, they now can help your 11-16 year old child manage extensive pain that they had to endure prior to the FDA's approval.(2)

For those who believe that this medication could indeed be helpful, first consider that OxyContin is a gateway drug for heroin.  Now also consider that nine out of ten Americans who meet criteria for addiction diagnosis start smoking, drinking or using before the age of 18. (3)  According to the CDC, opioids kill an average of 44 people a day in the United States.(4)

The FDA wants you to believe they are protecting the nation's children, yet they do not seem to care about the long-term impact of addiction for your child or your family

It is important for parents to educate themselves.  The FDA has a clear conscience and wants the public to believe that they are protecting the nation's children from experiencing long-suffering.  Are they?  Have they thought about the child and family that survives a traumatic and painful disease/injury only to face addiction on the other side?  Have they considered the painful process of opioid detox?  Have they considered how addiction can tear a family apart and can even kill a person?  Have they forgotten how many prescription medications are used improperly or sold on the streets by teens?

This is a bold and careless move that is money centric.  If you have a child that is ill, suffering pain or had a traumatic injury, consider healthy pain management or alternative treatments.  Research shows that OxyContin is not the only effective pain management for children; it also shows the benefits of therapy, massage, acupuncture, essential oils, food, vitamins and exercise.

Seek out a trusted practitioner to provide treatment for your child.  Gather research and data, and allow your child's treatment team to make an informed decision. Surround yourself with people who will help advocate for your child's best interest and do not let a treatment team make decisions for your child without your approval.

Sources for this article include:

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