Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Oops. New rules on salt intake


It's looking like we should just go in the reverse direction of most warnings we've been given by the medical profession all these many years.  Cutting your salt intake can do more harm than good is what they are telling us now. Add this to the list about cholesterol in eggs now OK, butter is actually better for us than margarine, resetting the number guidelines for cholesterol and high blood pressure, etc., etc.

It seems we can just chuck out most of the "expert" warnings of the past and safely do the opposite of what we have been told.  Kind of like the Catholic church telling us for so many years that it was a sin to eat meat on Fridays, but then changing the rules to make it OK.  Too bad for the Friday-meat-eating "sinners" of the past who died before the rule changed. Where did their souls go?  To purgatory?  To hell?  The absurdity of it is laughable.

It seems we are finally realizing that the best thing to do is take advice from the "experts" in any field with many grains of salt (humor intended) -- and then use our own judgment as to what feels right to us.  Imagine that! What a concept--to think for ourselves! (~.~)

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