Monday, September 22, 2014

Domestic Abuse: A petition worth signing

To my friends and family:

Domestic abuse is finally making headlines in the sports world and bringing attention to this long overlooked criminal treatment of women. For all the years preceding, millions of women have suffered and endured violent physical and emotional abuse from the husbands who promised to love and cherish them at their weddings, but soon forgot those vows.  That kind of abuse was given a wink and a nod in the past and, unfortunately, is still often being looked at that way in our patriarchal society. 

But here's one for the books: A federal judge in Alabama assaulted his wife and he faces no jail time for it. He's even set to return to the bench! I am outraged about this, and I hope you will be, too! A domestic abuser should have no place deciding justice for others. That's why I signed a petition demanding his resignation. Will you join me?



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