Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Romney can't get Republican crowd to chant his name

When Joe Scarborough saw the video, he called out "Oh, sweet Jesus!" and put his head in his hands as Romney failed to get the crowd at his rally to chant his name.  It's really getting pathetic.  Watching that pitiful scene, I felt embarrassed and sorry for Romney, and I don't even like him! Every time he opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it. He's making it very easy for Obama to keep the presidency. (~.~)  I think Romney has led a golden life of privilege from childhood, which kept him from ever understanding or relating to others who have had to work and scramble for a living. He has the arrogant aura of the ultra rich who never rub elbows with anyone "lesser" than them.  When he speaks, his eyes don't seem sincere. His laugh doesn't seem authentic--he always looks uncomfortable in his own skin and appears to make others around him feel uncomfortable in his presence.  To tell the truth, he doesn't seem quite human--he's more like a robot (but not a very well-programmed one! (~.~)).  I can't imagine him negotiating with any foreign leaders.  They'd have to send a keeper along with him.

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