Sunday, September 09, 2012

Another Day, Another Lie by Romney on the Campaign Trail

By Heather,

Never mind that Mitt Romney and his running mate, Lyin' Ryan, just both got their asses handed to them by Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention, the lying went on undeterred by Willard the day after their convention ended. Here he is in Iowa, repeating the lie about "Obamacare" robbing Medicare, and pretending the $700 billion savings is going to harm seniors instead of helping to keep the program solvent.

And of course you can add to that the steaming pile of hypocrisy it takes for someone to sit there and claim they'd repeal a law based on something they passed themselves at the state level, and pretend that it's somehow evil incarnate now that a Democrat passed the same plan at the national level.

Steve Benen has another update with the latest list of Romney's lies from his weekly series here: Chronicling Mitt's Mendacity, Vol. XXXIII.


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