Sunday, July 22, 2018

For your listening pleasure: My friend Prasanna playing the flute

Here is a video of scenes from Sonoma with my dear friend Prasanna (age 82) playing a 17-minute Indian Bhairava raga (Pining for the Beloved) on the flute, with his neighbor friend David on guitar. The deep mellow sound of his flute is truly enchanting. In the midst of all the turmoil in the world, just listening to this beautiful heart-centered music will carry you into a place of peace and love. (~.~)

For a wonderful interlude of serenity, just click on this link:

Prasanna is not only talented musically, he is a superb artist and a man of deep wisdom.  A rare man on the earth.  To see him being interviewed and to see some of his paintings, there is an online video at:

And a magazine article in a Sonoma magazine that tells more about his art -- and his philosophy at:


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