Monday, December 14, 2015

Incontrovertible: a must-see online documentary

I know this is a busy time of year -- and everyone is VERY busy just living life as it comes at us moment by moment.  BUT, if you possibly can.....

Please set aside 2 hours to watch the documentary INCONTROVERTIBLE -- offering the most important education you may ever get about 9/11 and the truth of what happened that day. Credentialed experts, both high-ranking military/government officials and private architects and engineers (as well as firemen and policemen and videos taken on the scene that day) reveal information you may not have heard elsewhere.  After viewing this video, please pass it along if you have learned valuable information from it that you trust and can't forget -- and think others should know.  For the future of our children and our nation, this is one you won't want to pass by.

Educating ourselves to truth is the only real way we can effect change in our world.  Check out this video and see for yourself.  This is an education you will not get from the mainstream media -- but it has more truth in its 2 hours than you'll get watching a lifetime of network or cable news.  At the very least, I guarantee it will give you much food for thought.  If you can't give 2 hours to viewing it, at least watch the first few minutes, which contains incontrovertible evidence you won't soon forget.


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