Monday, July 06, 2015

Eisenhower's warning prediction has come to pass

The influence that present-day GOP "leaders" have on right wing voters is insidious and tragic because it keeps them voting against their own interests.  Before he left office, President Eisenhower gave a dire warning against the "military-industrial complex" attempting to take over our country and destroy its founding principles. This was the last speech he gave while in office, just as he was leaving the White House to the incoming Kennedy administration. You can see his full 15-minute speech at:  

Here is a short analysis of it by a noted historian, with documented proof that this was not a speech simply written by a speechwriter, but were Eisenhower's strongly held true beliefs, which he had wanted to express for some time:

The most important parts of that speech were in his warning to people of that time and of the decades to come.  If you don't have time to watch the entire 15-minute speech, a 2-minute clip of these warnings can be seen at:

Eisenhower was a prophet of his time.  To our great misfortune, his fearful predictions and dire warnings have come true in our time.  Compare him now to the GOP candidates you see before you. (Sob). There is no comparison. He was a giant. They are miniscule midgets with the mental capacities to match. 

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