I am SO glad to finally hear SOMEone in the media bring this up! Thank you, Dan Savage, for bringing truth to a world of lies. At last! Watch the video to hear REAL truth:
From crooksandliars.com
If you're a fan of HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher, you're probably already familiar with the Overtime segment they run on the web immediately following each show every Friday. This week, it was actually a lot more interesting than most of the panel segment during the show, with guests Dan Savage and Paul Begala laying into their Republican cohort on the show, Bob Ehrlich for complaining about the Affordable Care Act, when the law came straight out of Republican think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation along with being modeled after Mitt Romney's health care law in Massachusetts.
It was nice to see that shoved right back at them for once, as opposed to what generally happens when these guys appear on our cable "news" networks, where they're allowed to complain about the law while pretending it's not what their side has been proposing for decades on end now.
The only reason Republicans don't like the law is because the Democratic, Kenyan (Black) , Muslim, Socialist, Communist, Marxist usurper proposed it and managed to get it passed. If a Republican managed to do the same thing, they'd be wanting to put their head on Mount Rushmore. AMEN to THAT!
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