Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A video made by my doctor

Video Presentation on Homeopathic Medicine

He does a great job in explaining homeopathyHe is an M.D., an osteopath and a trained surgeon who concentrates most of his practice on homeopathy, but is also my general physician.  This video was made by a professional videographer who was delighted when Dr. Lester treated his son with homeopathy , relieving the child of a medical condition that had not responded to other medical methods.  In gratitude, the man persuaded Dr. Lester to share information with the world and offered to make the video so others could learn of the value of homeopathy.  You may agree after watching the video that homeopathy is an interesting science, whether or not you would want to pursue it for yourself. I and several of my friends have found it to be a valuable medical option. 
