The most intelligent comment on this article came from one reviewer, which is exactly the comment I was thinking as I read the article: And of course the article makes no mention of the two elephants in the room. Depleted uranium contamination & the vaccine cocktail administered to all combatants. Neither does it discuss the effects of this toxic war environment on the occupied countries. Google "Iraq birth defects" for more information. Also, see:
Thursday, February 07, 2013
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» Soldiers sick and dying from toxins in war
Soldiers sick and dying from toxins in war
The most intelligent comment on this article came from one reviewer, which is exactly the comment I was thinking as I read the article: And of course the article makes no mention of the two elephants in the room. Depleted uranium contamination & the vaccine cocktail administered to all combatants. Neither does it discuss the effects of this toxic war environment on the occupied countries. Google "Iraq birth defects" for more information. Also, see:
Gulf War Syndrome, Other Illnesses in Veterans May Be Due to Toxic Environments (D'oh! The light dawns! But, of course, no mention is made of the toxic depleted uranium weapons our country used in the Gulf Wars, poisoning our soldiers along with polluting the entire area. It took years and years for Agent Orange to be acknowledged by the government as the cause of Vietnam vets' many illnesses and deaths after that war. Do you really think the government will now admit to poisoning the Gulf War vets, too? Yet, that is exactly what they did. Read all about the warnings given by doctors serving in the Gulf Wars at the time -- warnings that were ignored and ridiculed. Truth may take a long time coming, but eventually it does arrive at the doorstep. Our country has MUCH to answer for karmically. We are not the pristine, lily-white champions of the world that we purport to be. The public has been fooled, as they raise their rah-rah flags in tribute to the "good, old U.S. of A." So much has been hidden. So much...for so long a time. )
The most intelligent comment on this article came from one reviewer, which is exactly the comment I was thinking as I read the article: And of course the article makes no mention of the two elephants in the room. Depleted uranium contamination & the vaccine cocktail administered to all combatants. Neither does it discuss the effects of this toxic war environment on the occupied countries. Google "Iraq birth defects" for more information. Also, see:
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