Romney seems to live by his own rules, made up second by second, to suit whatever position he wants to take at the time. Taking the measure of this man in the usual ways is impossible, as he jumps around, all over the map. Best way to take his measure is to assume he is always lying and is completely untrustable. Look at this excerpt from the following article - and what other possible conclusion could one reach? ...when everyone expected Reid to back off and excuse himself, he doubled down, forcing another angry denial from the Romney camp. However, said Maddow, Romney did this very thing in 2002 when he was running for Massachusetts governor; he would not release his tax returns.
He demanded, however, that the husband of his opponent in that election, Shannon O’Brien, release his tax returns in addition to Mrs. O’Brien’s records, which were already available to the public. “What is she hiding?” demanded longtime Romney aide and confidant Eric Fehrnstrom.
Yet now, as Maddow points out, when Harry Reid is doing the exact same thing, all the Romney campaign can do is whine and complain about how unfair this tactic is and how nasty mean old Harry Reid is being. And while the campaign is making what Maddow calls “positive empirical claims” about Gov. Romney’s taxes, they still refuse to disclose the actual records.
Romney demanded opponents' tax returns and lied about residency in 2002
from Raw Story
On Thursday, Romney did something which he rarely does, which is to take questions from reporters. In the entire six day overseas trip that he recently completed, he took three unscripted questions, in spite of the fact that the campaign was traveling with a full compliment of representatives of the media.
Yesterday’s questions revolved around Reid’s allegations that a source from Romney’s hedge fund, Bain Capital, has told him that the former governor paid no income taxes at all for ten years, a charge the Romney campaign has noisily and emphatically denied, but produced no proof. Even as reporters have hammered Romney to release the forms, he has doubled down and refused.
Thursday, Reid issued a statement calling Romney “the most secretive presidential candidate since Richard Nixon…Forget president, Mitt Romney couldn’t get confirmed as cabinet secretary. Every single nominee overseen by the Senate Finance Committee has to release more tax returns than Romney is willing to release.”
The dogged intensity of Reid’s hard offense against Romney has shocked many in Washington. Reid is normally a much more mild-mannered type and this honey-badger style attack is very out of character for him.
“Even for a person who’s usually hyper,” Rachel Maddow said, “that is a little unhinged: an unnamed single source making a phone call to his office with a wild accusation that the Senate Majority Leader puts on the record to reporters, even though he admits it’s just hearsay and he doesn’t know if it’s true? That’s outrageous. It’s weird.”
And yet, when everyone expected Reid to back off and excuse himself, he doubled down, forcing another angry denial from the Romney camp. However, said Maddow, Romney did this very thing in 2002 when he was running for Massachusetts governor, he would not release his tax returns.
He demanded, however, that the husband of his opponent in that election, Shannon O’Brien, release his tax returns in addition to Mrs. O’Brien’s records, which were already available to the public. “What is she hiding?” demanded longtime Romney aide and confidant Eric Fehrnstrom.
Yet now, as Maddow points out, when Harry Reid is doing the exact same thing, all the Romney campaign can do is whine and complain about how unfair this tactic is and how nasty mean old Harry Reid is being. And while the campaign is making what Maddow calls “positive empirical claims” about Gov. Romney’s taxes, they still refuse to disclose the actual records.
In that instance, as in this one, Romney and his top aide Eric Fehrnstrom said over and over, “You’re just going to have to take our word for it,” while refusing to disclose any proof.
So what are they hiding this time?
Reid is Right as Rain : Release your Returns Romney -Right Now! ...OR... go back to playing "dressage" with your pet ponies! ‘Cause we all have a damn RIGHT to see a Presidential Candidate’s tax returns! Unless... perhaps....just’re hiding something dear Willard? Just asking.
P.S. Sooo Mitt, just how DID you manage to stuff all those millions into your tax-loophole IRA account?... while the rest of us poor smucks have strict limits? Inquiring minds want to know. And you want even MORE tax cuts for you and your rich buddies, Mitt? WHAT GALL! These fat cats aren’t satisfied- they want it ALL! ...EVERYTHING! Mitt baby -please- take my advice: if you want to run for dog-catcher THEN keep your precious returns, ... and just clean off your car roof. :-) OTHERWISE, put up, ...or shut up and go away ....preferably BEFORE the convention. The super-rich think that they have the God-given right to do anything they want in this great country -while the REST of us get screwed! ENOUGH!!! The divine right of kings ended a long long time ago Mitt. And so should your so-called candidacy.
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