Sunday, January 17, 2010


David Michael Green has written a dynamite appraisal of Palin, McCain, and the Republican party as it now stands. Don't miss this one. Am sure he speaks for millions of us as he tells the glaringly obvious truth (obvious to anyone with eyes and a modicum of intelligence). How did these hare-brains (apologies to rabbits everywhere) come so close to the presidency? Oh yes, the way was paved by the first hare brain named Duhmbya.

It's bad enough having an intelligent man like Obama as president, who is having trouble honoring his promises of Change You Can Believe In. Just imagine what could be happening to us now if Sarah Palin and John McCain had gotten into the White House. OMG! No. Don't even go there. It's too scary to contemplate. Yet the Tea Party nutsos are advocating a Sarah Palin/Glenn Beck ticket for 2012. I don't know whether to cheer them on (could there be anything more insane?) -- or run terrified to the hills. How many nutso voters do you think would vote for such an abominable ticket? Looking at the Republican spokesnuts like Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter, O'Reilly, and Malkin, and realizing they have millions of "dittohead" (can there be a more demeaning term?)
followers, I'm afraid it could be far too many!!! Read Green's take on this frightening possibility at: